Each of us are UNIQUE and BEAUTIFUL with no one the same!

Each of us are UNIQUE and BEAUTIFUL with no one the same!

Sunday, May 30, 2010


I am going to acknowledge God's work on me. My life is not in vain, my service is not in vain. The Lord Jesus has done a work for me, on me, and through his GRACE is doing a work through me. God I thank you that you do not give up doing a good work in me. I thank you for using me to do good works through me for your Glory. Whether it is picking up rocks, making phone calls...all to transform this city. I am willing to serve. Thank you for the GRACE to follow in your example.

So often I had wondered why nothing was moving forward as quickly as I would like it to. Pain comes with progression I am quickly learning. I will not cease and will continue to strive toward the mark which I am called. I love having the gift of leadership which seemingly brings me back to learning to be more and more humble. ie. putting myself also in the shoes of others. In order to be a great leader you have to plan which is more than seeing or having a vision. It is teaching others and allowing individuals to be in charge in the areas in which they are gifted. I am not gifted in all arenas which thank God I don't know it all. I need someone to be my accountant, I need someone to organize for me, I need someone to help me train at the gym, I need, I need. But with the seemingly things I do know I can teach others in.

One of the things I have learned in becoming and striving to be more humble is admitting when I am wrong. I find myself learning a lot from those who do not follow Christ. Sometimes they are more authentic than Christians.

Here I am in desperate need of God's GRACE. God's GRACE to pour down like a pitcher of water that never stops flowing. Here I am admitting I need help. Here I am knowing I am not perfect. Here I am knowing I am a sinner in need of God's GRACE. I am thankful for the work Christ Jesus did on the cross that there is GRACE that is sufficient for me. It is FREE and unmerited.

Brooke Fraser- "C S Lewis Song"

The Thorn in My Flesh This Week

Throbbing, shooting pain going through my mouth. Come to find out I am in need of a root canal and a crown. Oh and a cavity needs to be filled. Even though one can take really great care of their teeth bi-yearly checkups are a must I have learned. In the midst of not having dental care most of my adult life I have tried my best to care for my teeth on my own. Well it failed and I am in major pain. On purcset for the pain and an antibiotic for the infection.

What I am learning more is God's grace is so wonderful and his LOVE so big. I have been at many points in the past three months of my life of having to rely completely on God and his sufficiency to carry me through. Whether it be for my finances, my health, or direction. My entire life I have run mostly my own path my own way without praying and seeking God for his wisdom and direction.

Recently, I read a story by a friend Maria who had thought about giving up her second car. The very thought of only having one car between a husband and wife seems difficult. She called the 2nd car a "Luxury". I remember the days of not having a car and having to walk and take the bus everywhere I went. I managed just fine. I saved lots of $ in which I did not have to pay a car payment, car insurance, or gas for a vehicle. Yes at times riding the bus was daunting. I had to trudge through rain showers, deep snow blizzards, and the scorch of the sun. I remember one time the buses were on strike and I had to either walk 2 miles to work and back or pay to take a taxi. God always provided for my needs. I had a girlfriend in college who shared her car often with me. I would drop her off at work in the morning and drive to my office with her car...then pick her up later. It always seemed to work well. I think "wow" those who have a car have it made and don't realize it. You have air conditioning, a way to get around on wheels, and oh those extra expenses to keep it running-but what a blessing to have a car.

Back to my tooth. This is the worst pain I have experienced in my life physically and I am thankful for this time. God has revealed much to me. I haven't been able to be a busy bee working, socializing, doing what I want to do. I have been bed-ridden, unable to eat, begging God to provide for me to get my tooth fixed. Amidst the tiredness, nausea, and headache-the reliance on God has been the BEST. God has taught me a lot. God just wants me to come to him all the time, not just when a problem arises. I have found myself over the past few days listening often to sermons on Nehemiah. Nehemiah was a man who did NOT give up. He kept on keeping on in his prayers for his nation until God answered his cries. He was an average working guy-no one special. But oh was he special to God.

God thinks I am special. He has plans beyond my imagination for this life. In the midst of my suffering this past week I am reminded of God's wonderful unfailing love for me. All in all don't rely on God when you have to. Run to him each day, praise Him, love on Him. He does say when you draw close to him he will draw close to you. I feel closer to God today than I have in a long time. Thank you God for this tooth problem and for using it to Glorify you. I trust it will all work out and God will provide a means for this to be well.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

What is Your Dream?

I am a Christ follower. God Worshipper. Real Princess. Friend. Dreamer. Inventor. Writer. Artist. Confident. Focused. Beautiful. Loved. Enthusiastic. Trainer. Motivator. Authentic. Woman.

...living the Zoe-life...

It is hard to say I would rather sleep than stay awake. There is so much vision within me. How can one take on the world and the indifferences, pain, and suffering alone?

I love life. I love being around people. I love to ENCOURAGE. I find JOY in those things.

My life is about is loving people. The world has a tendency to appear dense and dark. It is my personal goal to shine a BRIGHT LIGHT on this earth. In the cool of the night as I sit and dream-I hear myself crying for a way to leave a legacy that others will want to leave.

My dream is to impact the world. I want to FIGHT indifference, help people grow and become all they were created to be.

I have been kissed with the GREATEST LOVE one can ever receive. I was created to be a unique individual and give of my gifts. I am so excited to be journeying this LIFE.

The attitude of expectancy is the breeding ground of miracles. So here I am-EXPECTANT for GOOD things. EXPECTANT of MORE. EXPECTANT of seeing other people GROW and impact others.