Each of us are UNIQUE and BEAUTIFUL with no one the same!

Each of us are UNIQUE and BEAUTIFUL with no one the same!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Well here I am soon packing my bags for Tahoe. This experience will be exhilarating as I have not been to many places through out the Western United States. This is whole new ground for me. It really makes me all the more realize how BIG the whole is and small I am. There are so many places I would like to go to. I have had the privilege to travel over seas. Again I must say the world is a BIG place waiting for me to discover it more.

Ahhhhhh the packing tonight....interim I am getting my hair colored by one of the most gifted hair stylists I know. I am going to the bleached look with a little definition. It will look HOT! I also painted my nails with a fresh coat of OPI nail polish. Yep I am ready to head to California.

I am listening to the HILLSONG "Healer"-it really reminds me that nothing is impossible with Christ. :) I feel like there is a major purpose to my life here on this earth. Most people these days live to be in their 60's to 70's...sometimes older. Well if that be the case I am half way through life and so many more things to accomplish in the days to come.

It is a breath of fresh air to know I have purpose and there is meaning to my life. Thank God!

Oh, I wanted to share something, just an FYI for the girls out there. I really LOVE this new makeup line. It is affordable, fabulous, comparable to M.A.C. makeup and they have the best brushes. Here is their website: http://www.bhcosmetics.com/

Have a BLESSED day all and I look forward to my next blog.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


The first day of Summer has not begun. Well that is okay I have lots of SUNSHINE in my heart. I peer out the window as the sun shines brightly and the rain comes pouring down. I am reminded of the famous song "Singing in the Rain" dodeododeododedo....I'm singing in the rain, just singing in the rain, what a glorious deal and I am happy again. I am laughing at clouds, so dark up above, the sun is in my heart...I am ready for love...let the stormy clouds chase...come on with the rain, I have a smile on my face. I love it.

I sit here missing my sweetheart terribly. I miss his hugs, his kisses, the way he looks at me, the little things he does, and oh so much more. I am gazing out the window that I have lightly opened. The breeze of fresh rain air so crisply blowing in. What a breath it is.

I am so blessed. I love my baby so much and it is the greatest gift God could have given me next to sending CHRIST. I wish you were here with me today baby to enjoy this precious moment of God's Glory. I love you hunny.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Get Motivated

How many of us procrastinate? How many us say we are going to do something but never do it? There are many individuals in this world and many people I know that say they have BIG DREAMS. When I hear the dreams that people have it makes me excited to know that they have a DREAM bigger beyond themselves. What I wonder is why individuals don't do anything to achieve their dreams. We each have special dreams planted in our hearts. What are we actively doing to pursue our dreams? Do you have an example?

I have been the culprit of saying I want to do this and want to be in this place someday. But you know what? I wasn't doing anything to get to that place. I was still on the 18th floor of the building not climbing higher. I was stagnant. I was not happy. I didn't have the $ I wanted. I didn't have friends that wanted more out of life. The problem was I was around people that were comfortable with their current situation. I had to uncomfortably pull myself away from those individuals in my life not because I didn't like them. I had to pull away because they were holding me back. I began to get involved in new things. I created the type of environment I wanted to be in and brought new people into it. I soon found myself being more successful, feeling closer to God, making new friends that wanted more, and being a more confident person over all.

Point being here...GET MOTIVATED. If you want more out of life in any area. Whether it be personal, fitness, spiritual, or financial...you are the change waiting to happen. It is you who can change the situation. Rather than sitting around waiting for it to happen-it never will. You have to take RISK. You have to change your environment and get uncomfortable. In the long run it will be so worth it. Personally, I have found myself growing as an individual learning humility and it is okay to ask for help along the way. We are all in this journey of life together. It is your choice whether you want to be in it together or not.

Get Motivated to be the change you need for yourself, your loved ones, your friends. Lead by example.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Here I am again trusting and trusting and waiting and waiting. It seems like I make it so hard on myself to TRUST that God has it all under control. Then again it would be easier had I clung to a scripture verse and prayed about it everyday. I am at the point of my life again being broken. I moved out of state about 3 months ago to follow what I felt like was God's perfect plan. All to unfold to everything not going what I expected it to be. I am trying to run a non-profit. I haven't made $$$$ since the end of Feb. I want to go shopping so bad and buy new clothes, get a pedicure, or even go on an exotic trip.

In the midst of waiting on God to prosper the non-profit and waiting on Him to continue to sustain me---it comes down to PURE TRUST in Him. COMPLETE UTTERMOST reliance on Him and His sufficiency. Oh how often in the past did I never trust in Him. How often did I just move life along in my own way and on my terms? Pretty much always. God's GRACE has been so precious and so refreshing over the past three months. God has continually reminded me to just let go and TRUST Him. Yes, I do indeed need to do my part. But the BEAUTY of it all is God is here. He is for me, on my side, and so excited that I am learning to let Him have the full reign.

No matter where you are in life, learning to trust in Christ is hard. This is a patience thing, it is a GRACE thing, it is a LIFE thing. It is a GOOD thing and I am excited to be growing, I am excited to be in a deeper walk with my precious God.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Pride comes before a fall-oh so true is that. I am finding myself struggling with some major pride and it is affecting my attitude and others. What an awesome feeling huh? No, not really. My attitude has sucked. I have been rude and have just not wanted to be nice. I have wanted everything to go my way. How selfish...

I am reminded of Jonah in the Bible whom God told to go to Nineveh and he rebelled and went his own path. Well long story short he was too afraid to go where God wanted him to go and ended up in the belly of a whale. Hmmm...he probably should have obeyed God and not let his own ideas keep him from being in God's will.

I want to be used by God everyday and am allowing myself to be so afraid to go there. I have lacked the confidence. I have lacked the motivation and of course have let the pride get in the way too. Joyce Meyers often reminds me in her teaching to "KEEP ON KEEPING ON." Yeah easier said that done right? Well I just need to stand on God and his Word to carry me through. I need to learn to be a humble woman. How can I expect God to use me to do great things if I have pride in my life? I ask God to keep me a humble woman. My plea to God is a cry for help. I am not perfect and am willing to change my ways with the major help of God's GRACE.

Good-bye PRIDE. Psalm 84 "No good thing will God withhold from those who walk with integrity" AMEN. God I need your help. I cannot do this or run this race alone. Help me to be humble. Help me to press on. Help me to choose to have a good attitude and help me to not be selfish.

Whatever your circumstance is don't let pride keep you away from being in God's will like I have. Press on and ask God for His GRACE.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Root Canal Complete

Here I am having one root canal done and hopefully the last ever. I have always heard horror stories of individuals having gone through a root canal procedure. Well mine was blessed with PEACE and NO pain. I have no doubt many were praying as well as me continually remembering Jesus bore PAIN at the cross for me in that moment.

There I was finding myself sitting in a dental chair lying on my back. Rest assured the hygienist was very polite. The endodontist appeared and suddenly my mouth was rubbed with a gel that began to quickly numb my mouth. I kept thinking Jesus bore this at the cross, Jesus bore this at the cross-no pain, Jesus bore this at the cross. Technology sure has changed because I watched Monsters Inc. the entire procedure. I didn't see or feel anything. Which I can attest to was my trust in God and his complete GRACE.

Again I have to say I cannot run to God only when my problems arise-because I do that often. Why is it I only seem to run to him when a problem arises? I want to RUN to God all the time He is waiting. He longs to be with me. He longs to spend time with me, to talk with me, and to LOVE on me more. Oh how rich this experience has been. I have felt more of God's presence, peace, and LOVE the past two weeks than before. Thank you God and thank you for Glorifying yourself in the midst of my pain.