Each of us are UNIQUE and BEAUTIFUL with no one the same!

Each of us are UNIQUE and BEAUTIFUL with no one the same!

Sunday, August 21, 2011


‘Giving all diligence, add to your faith…’ — 2 Peter 1:5.
I have to start with this verse above. For a few weeks now I have been studying diligence and I have been learning from the richest man in human history King Solomon. He has so much wisdom to pour forth in his Proverbs as well as through the study of his life. Solomon became King at a very young age-well before he was even a teenager. The one thing he asked of God was for WISDOM that he may judge his people fairly. He then writes often in his wisdom literature in the Holy Bible about diligence. He said when you have a dream write it down--make the plan clear. Have deadlines and what you need to do to get there. Celebrate your accomplishments and have FAITH the surety that it will come to pass even when you don't physically see it yet. Yes of course do your part of due diligence.

I have grown tremendously as a person and in my spiritual walk with God over even the past few weeks of just simple study of Proverbs. I have challenged myself to read a Proverb each day. So if it is the 21st I read Proverbs 21. I underline, I high light, I learn to apply this wisdom to my life.

I truly believe with everything within me that every individual on this earth has a mission. Whether it be to be a doctor, a baseball player, a teacher, a gas station attendant, or a forest ranger we have a mission. Whatever you feel you are to do in this life follow what is within you. It isn't impossible. Be diligent, have a plan, write it down, write a due date, and celebrate the successes.

You are a treasure. You have many gifts within you that may not even know what they are yet. Key note here don't be a stand still. Hang pictures of your dreams/goals on your wall. Look at them and know you can do anything that you have a plan for and are diligent with.

I am not perfect and sometimes forget to read my Proverb each day. But when I do remember I am so encouraged in that day with what I read.

So today give it all diligence and add your faith to it too.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Press on & Praise

My title of today seems fitting. Press on and Praise! Press on and Praise! What does it all mean? Lets start from the beginning. Truthfully we are living in tough economic times. Many of us are facing many transitions or learning to live on a budget. Some of us are unemployed and have been searching very long for something new. Some of us are not doing all things we may want to do. My personal example. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get a manicure and pedicure every three weeks. I would like to have my hair hi-lighted every 4-6 weeks. I would love a new outfit weekly. Notice a theme here? I do, it is "I". All about me and my wants and desires. How often do we sit back and think about God's wants and desires for us? Not very often huh? God doesn't get pissed at us when we only think about ourselves. He does however want us to remember Him and come to Him. God loves the way you are. He created you with a special hair color and eye color and skin tone. He created you so unique, He made non other like you. I know we all may not have all the material things we may want right now in the moment but may I remind you everything is temporary. During this season and all seasons of life take a moment just to PRAISE God for what you do have. Thank Him for your nice warm bed, thank Him for clean drinking water, thank Him for the car you are driving. Thank Him for the beautiful blue sky. Thank Him for just being Him. Thank Him for loving you the way He does. He cares so much about you. He wants you to be HAPPY even when you don't have what you think you need.

Moving on just flat out PRESS on and PRAISE. PRESS on and PRAISE!!! It's that simple by finding faith in the simpleness of life you can be happy. You are more blessed than 75% of the world. This really is true. Learn to find joy and PRAISE even in the most difficult times that according you is hard.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


I am beginning to read through Lamentations and reading over Godly individuals that lamented and were having feelings of depression. I have had the feelings of depression for several months now. From my experience I can say I am not feeling God, I am not hearing from Him, and I don't feel Him holding me either. The silly thing is I know He is holding me even though I don't feel it. Is that an oxymoron? I envision that beautiful painting/poem "Foot Prints in the Sand". It shows the picture of footprints and says, when you didn't see two sets of foot prints, it was then that I carried you. I hope to look back on this season and can say that.

I cry too. I am good one day then the next I just cry. I have been thinking when I am in Heaven that Jesus will say, "Come here". He will open a door and show me all my tears that he saved and that I wasn't alone. He was there. He is here, He really, really is here. Even though I don't feel Him, I know He is here.

I am going to be okay, this too shall come to pass. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

This is what wikipedia says about lament:
laments simply being "appeals for divine help in distress". [7] These laments, too, often have a set format: an address to God, description of the suffering/anguish which one seeks relief, a petition for help and deliverance, a curse towards one's enemies, an expression of the belief of ones innocence or a confession of the lack thereof, a vow corresponding to an expected divine response, and lastly, a song of thanksgiving.

I tell you I am lamenting today. Maybe I'll lament tomorrow. All I know is that in the midst of my feelings, in the midst of poverty/lack there of, I will PRAISE the Lord. I will seek Him continually day and night. I will stand on His promises. I will wait expectantly.

I love you LORD and I lift up my voice in PRAISE to you. Today is a BEAUTIFUL today full of bright sun. Today was relaxing by the pool, today LORD you are here. Even though I don't feel you or hear you---I see you in all CREATION.